The "Line" Game

Tactical Problem:  Setting up to attack

Skill development: Using opponents open space and defending own space

Teaching Points
  • Make opponent move
  • Anticipate opponents actions
  • Return to base position
  • Ready position, feet shoulder width, on toes, head up
  • Catching
  • Throwing
  • Lateral, front and back movements

  • Diagram 1

    The Line Game (Hopper, 2000)

    Organizational Points
    • With volleyball use hands to throw and catch
    • Work towards striking ball continuously
    • When able to keep goin add hoops, rope or paper targets, one each person
    • Space out class
  • Extensions 
    • Vary size of object (tennis balls)
    • Bounce over a space instead of a line

           Q.  What do you have to do to win the point?
           A.  Make the opponent move.

           Q.  How do you make your opponent move?
           A.  By throwing to the open space.

           Q.  How do you prevent this on your side?
           A.  By anticipating where he is throwing the ball.